Partner Institutions & Memberships

The Pantheon Institute is committed to providing students with a safe and rewarding educational experience of exceptional quality both in and out of the classroom, supported by a wide variety of cultural immersion and exchange opportunities.

Our partner institutions and affiliates share our goals and objectives, and work closely with the Institute to foster and enhance intellectual and cultural exchange through various activities, lectures, seminars, publications, demonstration projects, and public dissemination of educational achievements.

Partnership with Accademia Adrianea

The Pantheon Institute collaborates with international Master program Accademia Adrianea in the Premio Piranesi International design competition. The event is co-sponsored by the Ordine degli Architetti di Roma (AIA equivalent). 

Accademia Adrianea di Architettura e Archeologia ONLUS, offers an international Master certificate in museum design with a concentration on designing for archeological sites. The program format consists of a series of on-site design workshops primarily throughout the Mediterranean – many of which are designated World Heritage Sites.



Pantheon Institute is a member of the Association of American College and University Programs in Italy (AACUPI), through its affiliation with Penn State University.


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