
Our Professors

The Pantheon Institute is committed to academic excellence. Our professors are all dedicated educators and accomplished scholars in their fields. We seek expert faculty to teach engaging, challenging, and worthwhile material to our students. All professors at the Institute incorporate on-site and experiential learning in Rome whenever possible as a pivotal part of the curriculum.

Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Professor Martemucci is the Founding Director and President of The Pantheon Institute

AWARDS: • Stuckeman Foundation Award for the Creation of a New York Urban Studies Center. • Fondazione Luminotec – grant for the Publication of Villa Adriana Workshop activity and work • Architecture and archaeology grant for Soptrintendenza dei Beni Culturali, Regione Laizo – Vllia Adriana • Bowers Program grant. “International Collaborative Technical Curriculum” with Prof. Tom Boothby (AE) PUBLICATIONS: Publications and presentations • Ferrara’s Urban Plan of 1492: Contexts and Projects Conference Proceedings of the International ACSA-EAAE Conference in London, May 1994. On invitation, a modified version of this paper was presented at the Department of Architecture, University of Idaho, March, 1995. • The Teaching of Architecture: Early Theory as Skill, Conference Proceedings of the ACSA-EAAE International Conference, Prague in May, 1993, entitled “Beginnings in Architectural Education.” • The Neccessity of Virtue in Architecture:Views from the Works of Alberti and Viollet-le-Duc, Conference Proceedings of the ACSA East Central Regional Conference, Ann Arbor MI, October 1989. This paper was also invited for presentation at the 1991 ACSA Technology Conference, Harvard University. COURSES TAUGHT AT PANTHEON INSTITUTE: • ARCH 499A Architecture Design Studio • ARCH 499B Architectural Analysis / PREVIOUS TEACHING POSITIONS: • The Pennsylvania State University – 1989-2009 • North Dakota State University – 1977-1984 • Temple University – 1998, 1985, 1984 • University of Puerto Rico – 1987 • University of Pennsylvania – 1984, 1986

Romolo Martemucci

MA Urban Planning and Design

University of Pennsylvania, Pratt Institute

Lavinia Nannini is a licensed architect in Italy with over 18 years of experience in architecture and urban design. She holds a Master's in Urban Design + Planning and has worked on significant projects in New York City, Rome and China. Nannini has collaborated with firms like Massimiliano Fuksas, Clara LaFuente, and Cycle Architecture + Planning, and with prominent thinkers and educators such as Michael Sorkin. She has also engaged with academic institutions, including City College of NY and Pratt University. Her work and research focuses on innovative, resilient, and inclusive design, integrating social, political, ecological, and cultural considerations to create positive, lasting community impacts while respecting historic preservation.

Lavinia Nannini

MA Urban Planning and Design, B. Arch  


AWARDS: • Samuel H. Kress Fellowship, Max Planck Institute, Bibliotheca Herziana, Rome (1978-80) / COURSES TAUGHT AT PANTHEON INSTITUTE: • ARCH 499C Roman Cartography as Imago Urbis / PREVIOUS TEACHING POSITIONS: • American Overseas School of Rome Renaissance and Baroque Dance, Foligno • Loyola, Rome Renssalaer, • Rome Pratt, Rome / RESEARCH & CONFERENCES: Research Assistant to Harry Bober – Institute of Fine Arts, NYU Research Assistant to Richard Krautheimer – Bibliotheca Hertziana / RELATED STUDIES: • Scuola di Biblioteconomia, • Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Giardinaggio, • Orto Botanico di Roma

Cothran Winstead Ceen

ABD, MA, BA           

Institute of Fine Arts New York

Edoardo Cappella is the co-founder of Velia, a collaborative practice operating across the fields of architecture, research and education. Beyond his professional work as an architect, he has taught at several institutions, including University of Waterloo, Iowa State University and IED Rome. Since 2022, he teaches both architectural design and theory at the Pantheon Institute, Rome, where he currently leads the course Links: the contamination between Art and Architecture. He holds a M.Arch from Sapienza University in Rome. His academic and professional formation draws upon considerable experience matured between Italy, Spain, Germany and Switzerland. Most notably, between 2016 and 2022, he has worked as an architect for the offices of David Chipperfield in Berlin and Herzog & de Meuron in Basel, where he was involved in projects across Europe, Asia and America, spanning a wide range of typologies, scales and programmes.

Edoardo Capella 

M. Arch

Università La Sapienza Roma

Silvia Aloisio

Dott. Arch

Università La Sapienza Roma

Art History and Architecture

Valerio Da Gai was awarded his Laurea and Specializzazione degrees (equivalent to a BA and MPhil) in the history of art by the Università di Roma “La Sapienza”. He is an expert on iconography and iconology of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque with a focus on Italian art. He currently teaches in High School and works as a licensed guide in Rome and Vatican Museums. He is co-editor and co-author of a monograph about the iconography of St. Augustine in the Middle Ages (Iconografia Agostiniana. Dalle Origini al XIV secolo, 2011, with G. Pittiglio and A. Cosma), and co-author of other books such as Giotto. Gli Affreschi della Cappella degli Scrovegni, (Giotto. The frescoes of the Scrovegni chapel, ed. by Giuseppe Basile, 2002). He has contributed to the publication of La Storia dell’Arte (The History of Art ed. by S. Zuffi, 2006) and to several entries for Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (Biographical Dictionary of Italians, 2006-2010).

Valerio Da Gai

Laurea, Triennale 

Università La Sapienza Roma

International Business

AWARDS • Fulbright Scholar. ORGANIZATIONS • Senior Economic Specialist at the US Embassy in Rome (1983-91) • Senior Country Manager for then Czechoslovakia at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London (1981-82). PUBLICATIONS • Laurea dissertation in Italian on “U.S.-Europe Relations During the Carter Administration” (1978) • two papers in Italian on state intervention in the economies of sub-Saharan Africa and on state aid to sub-Saharan households (for the Vatican University in 1996). COURSES TAUGHT AT PANTHEON INSTITUTE • IB399B International Marketing • IB339D Business in the European Union. PREVIOUS TEACHING POSITIONS • The American University of Rome • Temple University Rome Center • Link Campus University of Malta • Antioch University in Santa Barbara • UCSB • Loyola University Rome Center • Vatican University at the Lateran.

Aldo Patania


John Hopkins School of International Studies

Italian Language

AWARDS • Cofounder and didactic director af Emmedue Italia – School of Languages 1994 – 2000. PUBLICATIONS • La Signora M, novel • La conversione dell’arcobaleno, novel • Confini di pelle, short stories • L’albero dei rosari, novel • 120, novel • ".IT" Italian Language in Use, grammar book (with Barbara Parisi) • Solitudini – Luigi Tenco e Dalida, theatrical play • Taglia la torta che arriva la morta, theatrical play • Gli imprevisti fanno parte del gioco, theatrical play. COURSES TAUGHT AT PANTHEON INSTITUTE • Italian Language. PREVIOUS TEACHING POSITIONS • Link Campus – University of Malta • Pontificio Ateneo “Regina Apostolorum” • Italiaidea • Berlitz School • Inlingua School.

Maurizio Valtieri

Università La Sapienza Roma


Barbara Parisi is a Professor at The Pantheon Institute since 1996, and she’s also the Academic Advisor for the students. She teaches “Food, Nutrition and Society”, designing and teaching the course in the Health and Nutrition department, researching factors that influence what people eat in the US. She also teaches “Italian Culture Through Food”, comparing the Mediterranean Diet to all other diets. She teaches at Temple University Rome since 1996 and online, “Food for Thought: Sociological Thinking About Food”, designing and teaching the course in the Sociology department, researching to create a more equitable, sustainable and healthy world. Professor Parisi has been also teaching Italian Language and Culture at all levels, both at The Pantheon Institute and Temple University Rome, since 1994. She co-wrote the book “.it”, Italian grammar, and translated several books. She earned a M.A., B.A. in Humanities and Liberal Arts with a major in Pedagogy, and she earned three Post-Graduate Master’s degrees, in “Methodology and Teaching Practice”, in “Nutrition and Mediterranean Diet”, in “Organizational, Institutional and Groups Psychology”, she’s currently studying to earn a Post-Graduate Master's Degree Course in “Psychology” (Qualifying for the Profession of Psychologist), anticipated 2026.

Barbara Parisi


Università La Sapienza Roma

Studio Arts

AWARDS: • Fulbright Grant, Prague, Czech Republic (1998-99) • Interdisciplinary Dissertation and Creative Project Award, The Pennsylvania State University, 1998. PUBLICATIONS • A time full of waiting – the refugee camp of Rissiera San Sabba in the phototgraphs of Jan Lukas. Co-editor of the exhibition catalogue, Trieste, Italy, 2012 • Memento, exhibition catalogue, Galeria Fiducia, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2011 • Das Prager Ghetto, co-author, Verlag Werner Dausien, Hanau, Germany, 1994. COURSES TAUGHT AT PANTHEON INSTITUTE • PHOTO 399A Introduction to Digital Photography. PREVIOUS TEACHING POSITIONS • Instructor of Photography, The Pennsylvania State University, 2002, 2006-2008. RELATED EXPERIENCE • Chair of Refugee Resettlement Committee, St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fargo, ND, 1981-1989

Helena Lukas Martemucci 


Pennsylvania State University, Georgetown University

Kelly Melford


University of Tennessee Chattanooga


We can’t wait to meet you!